The Most Terrifying and Spectacular Exorcism in History

A woman possessed with Beelzebub, Judas Iscariot, her father, and her aunt

In 2016, the movie The Exorcism of Anna Ecklund was released. The movie is based on a true story that stretches back to the late 1800s to the early 1900s.

Between August and December in 1928, intense sessions of exorcism were performed on a heavily demon-possessed woman. During the exorcism, these things happened.

The possessed woman hissed like a cat and howled “like a pack of wild beasts, suddenly letting loose.”

The possessed woman floated in the air and landed above the door frame.

At the age of fourteen, Ecklund started displaying weird behaviors. She got very ill every time she went into a church. Ecklund participated in intense sexual acts. She also developed an evil mindset todds priests and vomited after taking communion.

The responsible priest experienced physical attacks that left him “trembling like a fluttering leaf in a whirl-wind.”

When holy water touched the possessed woman’s skin, it burnt off.

At the age of fourteen, Ecklund started displaying weird behaviors. She got very ill every time she went into a church. Ecklund participated in intense sexual acts. She also developed an evil mindset todds priests and vomited after taking communion.

The possessed woman’s face twisted, her eyes and lips swelled to huge proportions, and her stomach became hard.

The possessed woman vomited twenty to thirty times a day.

At the age of fourteen, Ecklund started displaying weird behaviors. She got very ill every time she went into a church. Ecklund participated in intense sexual acts. She also developed an evil mindset todds priests and vomited after taking communion.

The possessed woman started speaking and understanding Latin, Hebrew, Italian and Polish languages.

Get to Know Anna Ecklund

Anna Ecklund (not her birth name) was born on March 23rd, 1882. She grew up in Marathon, Wisconsin and her parents were German immigrants.

Ecklund’s father, Jacob, had a reputation as an alcoholic and a womanizer. He was also against the Catholic Church. But, because Ecklund’s mother was Catholic, Ecklund grew up in the church.

The demonic attacks

At the age of fourteen, Ecklund started displaying weird behaviors. She got very ill every time she went into a church. Ecklund participated in intense sexual acts. She also developed an evil mindset todds priests and vomited after taking communion.

Ecklund became very violent when confronted with sacred and holy objects. Thus, Ecklund stopped attending church. She fell into a deep depression and became a loner.

It’s believed that Ecklund’s aunt, Mina, was the source of her attacks. Mina was known as a witch and also had an affair with Ecklund’s father.

Iscariot was there to lead Ecklund to commit suicide. Ecklund’s father sought revenge because Ecklund had refused a sexual relationship with him when he was alive. And, Mina claimed she had placed a curse on Ecklund with the help of Ecklund’s father.

Her First Exorcism

Ecklund’s family sought help from the local church. There, Ecklund was put under the care of Father Theophilus Riesinger, an expert in exorcism. Father Riesinger noticed how Ecklund reacted violently to religious objects, holy water, prayers and rites in Latin.

To confirm if Ecklund was not faking the attacks, Father Riesinger sprayed her with fake holy water. Ecklund didn’t react. On June 18th, 1912, Father Riesinger performed an exorcism on thirty years old Ecklund. She returned to her normal self and was free from demonic possessions.

Iscariot was there to lead Ecklund to commit suicide. Ecklund’s father sought revenge because Ecklund had refused a sexual relationship with him when he was alive. And, Mina claimed she had placed a curse on Ecklund with the help of Ecklund’s father.

During the exorcism, Ecklund dislodged herself from the bed, floated in the air and landed high above the room's door. Ecklund also began howling very loudly.

The three sessions of exorcism

Over the next years, Ecklund claimed she was tormented by her dead father and aunt's spirits. In 1928, Ecklund sought the help of Father Riesinger again. But this time, Father Riesinger wanted to perform the exorcism in secrecy.

So, Father Riesinger sought the help of a St Joseph’s Parish priest, Father Joseph Steiger. Father Steiger agreed to perform the exorcism at his parish, St Joseph’s Parish, in Earling, Iowa, which was more private and secluded.

On August 17th, 1928, Ecklund was taken to the parish. The first session of the exorcism began the next day. At the exorcism, there was Father Riesinger and Father Steiger, a couple of nuns and a housekeeper.

During the exorcism, Ecklund dislodged herself from the bed, floated in the air and landed high above the room's door. Ecklund also began howling very loudly.

Throughout the three sessions of the exorcism, Ecklund defecated and vomited massively, screamed, hissed like a cat, and suffered physical distortions. Her skin sizzled and burnt when holy water touched it.

When Father Riesinger demanded to know who was possessing her, he was told, “many.” The demon claimed to be Beelzebub, Judas Iscariot, Ecklund’s father, and Ecklund’s aunt, Mina.

Iscariot was there to lead Ecklund to commit suicide. Ecklund’s father sought revenge because Ecklund had refused a sexual relationship with him when he was alive. And, Mina claimed she had placed a curse on Ecklund with the help of Ecklund’s father.

During the exorcism, Father Steiger claimed the demon threatened him to withdraw permission for the exorcism. A few days after the claim, Father Steiger crashed his car into the railing of the bridge. But, he managed to get out of the car alive.

Her Freedom and Later Life

The last session of the exorcism lasted until December 23rd. In the end, Ecklund said, “Beelzebub, Judas, Jacob, Mina, Hell! Hell! Hell!. Praised be Jesus Christ.” And then the demons freed her.

Ecklund recalled having visions of horrible battles between spirits during the exorcism. After the three sessions, she was very weak and heavily malnourished. Ecklund went on to lead a quiet life. She later died at the age of fifty-nine on July 23rd, 1941.