Teresa Fidalgo Story: Decoding The Fake Ghost Story

Nowadays it is very common to find hoaxes and misinformation on various social media platforms that are posted to gain traction. There is a good probability that you might have come across such conspiracy theories and threats.

One such story is of Teresa Fidalgo’s post that went viral on social media asking users to share posts else be prepared for consequences. Teresa is neither the first myth propagated by people nor will be the last one.

Who is Teresa Fidalgo?

Few people believe that Teresa Fidalgo’s ghost story is genuine and it was in the limelight for many years.

According to the story, Teresa Fidalgo is the ghost of a lady that died in an accident in the year 1983 in Sentra, Portugal. Almost two decades after the incident, her footage was first shared on the internet on 12th July 2003 and it became viral in a short span of time.

It appears that people are interested in this kind of fiction-based stories like a Slender Man and other ghost stories, especially on social media platforms. The fake story of Teresa Fidalgo’s ghost is a classic example of internet hype that grows exponentially.

The video shows friends driving a car by the mountains when they decide to give a free lift to a lady named Teresa Fidalgo in their vehicle. The girl is really beautiful however when she gets into the vehicle, she remains strangely quiet for some time. She finally speaks up after a little while and takes the co-passengers to the spot in the road where she had “died”.

All of a sudden the digicam rotates lower back to the woman to show her face without a doubt earlier than the vehicle bangs. In this accident two riders, a male and a woman die, and the third one survives, who is identified as David.

The irony was that David could not narrate what exactly happened on that night for many years. Police officials did confirm that a female named Teresa Fidalgo died in a car accident in the year 1983 at the same specific spot.

After this viral video people have amplified these types of stories of the White Lady in the last many years. People especially youngsters believed this story more than any other as the information pertaining to ‘Teresa Fidalgo’ and her connections with a real accident that occurred on a Portuguese avenue sounded like a real one.

Author of the Teresa Fidalgo story

David Rebordão, Portuguese content creator is the writer of the Teresa Fidalgo story wherein he narrates an interesting story about a woman.

Teresa Fidalgo’s ghost story

Teresa Fidalgo’s story has become a type of hoax that spread on social media platforms via copy and paste which says that the ghost of the woman will haunt you if you do not repost.

The viral post comes with a message saying, “I am Teresa Fidalgo and if you don’t post this on 20 other photos I will sleep with you forever”.

There were other versions of this Teresa Fidalgo Ghost story as well where few users have posted as “A girl ignored and her mom died 29 days later. You can even search me on google.”

Such videos and messages were seen circulating on various social media platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram all across the world.

Wondering if Teresa Fidalgo is real?

Urban tales seem so believable that in the majority of the cases people have used their creative minds to formulate imaginary productions that bring the story to life. Just like other fake stories even this Teresa Fidalgo story is completely false.

It is a by-product of a short movie which implies that the footage is genuine however the complete story you watch is scripted and well-choreographed to perfection similar to a fictional film.

The Portuguese director who produced the short film bears the same name as the person who survived the accident. It was first uploaded on YouTube in the year 2014 on David Rebordão’s YouTube channel. The title of the short film is “A CURVA”.

There is no truth in this story and it is absolutely baseless. In fact, the author Rebordão has also disclosed that this is a made-up story. The director in an interview given to channel TVI said that he was quite surprised to see the success of this story and its longevity as well. He pondered how come people believe in such stories. The director is now working on his new projects.

Final words

Teresa Fidalgo’s ghost story is definitely one of the most viral fake news ever generated about Teresa Fidalgo. The majority of social media users get bewildered about the concept that either their mother or they themselves will notice some type of ghost and then she will die.

There is no truth in this story and it is absolutely baseless. In fact, the author Rebordão has also disclosed that this is a made-up story. The director in an interview given to channel TVI said that he was quite surprised to see the success of this story and its longevity as well. He pondered how come people believe in such stories. The director is now working on his new projects.