Real-Life “Pinoy Superman” snags Guinness World Record

I one could admit that the cosmetic surgery didn’t turn out a total disaster. Chavez may now resemble the “Man of Steel” but to achieve this feat, he had to say goodbye to his pimpled, teen-aged self from years back.

Superhero fan

Apart from Superman, the 36-year old Chavez also admits keeping a few Darna-themed memorabilia. He also participates in various cosplaying events clad in his classic Superman costume. And to put his creative imagination into good use, Chavez also made a comic book entitled Horsalinda, a superheroine who can transform into a Pegasus, seahorse, or Tikbalang depending on what the situation calls for.Chavez, who earns a living with several costume shops, has already entered the Guinness Book of Records for owning the largest collection of Superman memorabilia in the world with 1253 certified items. Chavez says that in reality he has around 5000.

However, his main goal in life is to show Filipinos the true meaning of being a superhero.

"I want to spread the message that we can all be superheroes, that all of us have that potential within," says Chavez.

A Deeper Purpose

Herbert Chavez is thankful for the television exposure he gained in 2011. He said that without the media attention, there’s no way that the Guinness World Records would discover and contact him. Chavez keeps a staggering 5,000 pieces of Superman memorabilia but only 1, 253 made it to Guinness’ official list of licensed collections. Nonetheless, he still succeeded in claiming the spot for the “Largest Collection of Superman Memorabilia”.Chavez, who earns a living with several costume shops, has already entered the Guinness Book of Records for owning the largest collection of Superman memorabilia in the world with 1253 certified items. Chavez says that in reality he has around 5000.

However, his main goal in life is to show Filipinos the true meaning of being a superhero.

"I want to spread the message that we can all be superheroes, that all of us have that potential within," says Chavez.

Chavez has gone through nose jobs, skin whitening, lip enhancements, jaw realignment, pec implants and even abdominal implants to resemble his favorite comic book hero.

Spending around £4,400 on his surgeries, he plans to become someone children can look up to, just like Superman, and give lessons on morality to them using his distinct appearance.

Did the plastic surgeries take a toll on his day to day life? Chavez admits that it is difficult trying to keep up. “If you talk about super heroes, the expectation of people is that they are flawless, they do not get hurt and they do not die,” he told the D aily Mail UK .

“For example, my cleft chin is formed of hydrogel, but it does not always appear balanced. The more dehydrated you get the smaller it gets, so you have to keep adding to it,” he added.

He admits that t here may be a day when he has to halt the extensive surgeries.

Herbert Chavez Superman to Superman, the extreme transformation

Filipino man Herbert Chavez, who calls himself Superman's biggest fan, has already undergone 26 painful plastic surgery procedures to transform his Asian face into a carbon copy of his idol.

"Superman has always been my obsession since I saw one of his movies at the age of four," Chavez tells EFE, as he stands surrounded by life-sized statues of one of the most popular superheroes in history.

In his modest residence, located in the province of Laguna, southwest of Manila, the famous "S" of Superman is visible everywhere, from the dining table to the shower curtain, glasses, plates, cups, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, shampoo and the bath mat.

"It has always been my dream to be like him and I have done everything possible to become like him," he explains, with a smile.

To achieve that, 39-year-old Chavez has subjected his body to intense and extreme medical treatments for almost two decades with the aim of transforming his bronze complexion and Asian features into those of the comic book character; an Occidental man with chiselled features, pale white skin and blue eyes.

Since 1998, Chavez has undergone surgery on the nose, lips, chin and hips - besides undergoing liposuction and skin whitening procedures - which give him a radically different appearance from the one he had prior to the procedures.But this has not been enough to satisfy Chavez.

He now wants to have lenses implanted to change his eye colour permanently to blue, and a leg lengthening procedure, which is known to be one of the most painful plastic surgeries.

"Pinoy Superman", as he is known in the Philippines, prefers not to talk about how much money he has spent on changing his appearance, saying that most of surgeries have been free, although in interviews with local media he has put the figure at around $US6000 (NZD$8797).

Chavez, who earns a living with several costume shops, has already entered the Guinness Book of Records for owning the largest collection of Superman memorabilia in the world with 1253 certified items. Chavez says that in reality he has around 5000.

However, his main goal in life is to show Filipinos the true meaning of being a superhero.

"I want to spread the message that we can all be superheroes, that all of us have that potential within," says Chavez.

He is so convinced of his role as a superhero, that over the past year he believes he has been changing into a "real Superman".

"There have been certain incidents in my life which have made me realise that I'm a real Superman. For example, I'm almost 40 years old and I still have no wrinkles. Isn't it too much of a coincidence?" he exclaims.

"That is because I am Superman. At the moment I can't fly but to be a superhero it's not necessary to have super powers."