Has Queen Elizabeth II Died? BBC News Reports On Possible Death Of Queen Elizabeth

Has Queen Elizabeth II Died? BBC News Reports On Possible Death Of Queen Elizabeth Queen Elizabeth II, who has been the queen of England since 1952, has been in poor health since suffering from a heart attack in 2002 and there have been rumors that she might die soon after recent pictures that revealed her as frail and sickly went viral in the news. The truth about the queen’s death remains to be seen but it was definitely not one of the hoaxes being reported by several sources on the internet.

The Official Cause of Death

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, also known as Queenie, has been in the public eye for over 65 years now. But what happens when a queen dies, or in this case leaves her position by passing away? What happens to her throne and all of her titles and possessions? Has Queen Elizabeth already died since she announced that she would be stepping down from the throne in April 2019, leaving the question - has Queen Elizabeth II died yet? 

Queen Elizabeth was born on April 21st 1926 at 17 Bruton Street. She later became the longest-serving monarch and oldest living head of state until her death (since reign) date of January 20th 2017. The official cause of death is pneumonia.

Reason Why The Royal Family Didn’t Release Her Cause of Death

Queen Elizabeth II death reasons are still a mystery and the Royal Family hasn't released any cause of death. To make matters worse, Queen Elizabeth had two nurses caring for her 24 hours a day, so it's unlikely she died of natural causes. Unfortunately, if her death was orchestrated in some way, there might never be any proof of the real cause because the culprits would have done everything to cover their tracks.

The Timeline That Suggests Queen Elizabeth Is Dead

Many people ask what would happen if Queen Elizabeth died and who would take over the crown. The general belief is that Prince Charles would be next in line to the throne. However, many people are saying that they believe Queen Elizabeth has passed away and it will not be revealed until at least a few days have passed. All the queen's appearances in public have been withdrawn which suggests she is unwell and recuperating privately. When celebrities such as David Bowie pass away, we can typically get a response quickly by using social media to spread information about their death.

Was Queen Elizabeth Handed Over To A Doctor?

The following is a quotation from an interview given by Fiona Ross, who served as the doctor to Princess Diana, I was never given an explanation for why I didn't look after the Queen. All I can think of is that it might have been because she had a bad back. But I've never found out. The various headlines in regards to her death are detailed below: 

Did Queen Elizabeth II die? - A headline report came across the BBC news on Tuesday morning with regards to the potential death of Queen Elizabeth II. There's still not any conclusive evidence at this time, but they've taken precautionary measures while they investigate and wait on more information and updates.

Where Are The Other Members of the Royal Family?

Queen Elizabeth II became the ruler of England in 1952, when her father, King George VI, died. Prince Charles is the eldest son of the Queen. Prince Charles will become King Charles III when she dies because that's what tradition dictates. Who becomes king after queen elizabeth ii is less straightforward than one might think because there are so many possibilities and limitations to contend with. For example, if Prince William does not have a son before his mother passes away (he has two children already) then Prince William would be the next king.

How Will Her Coronation Take Place If She Is Dead?

Queen Elizabeth's death was announced on the 15th of March, and as such, her coronation would need to be rescheduled. A date has not been confirmed but it is expected that a date will be selected for the following year in order to prevent the House of Windsor from being unseated. It is uncertain whether or not Prince Charles, who currently holds the title of Duke of Cornwall, will take his mother's place when she dies or if he'll choose another family member.

Why No Statement From The Palace About Her Condition Or End-Of-Life Issues

Although there has been no public statement released by Buckingham Palace concerning her health and no statement to clarify that the queen is still alive, many people are fearing the worst. British Prime Minister Theresa May mentioned in an interview that it was wrong for people to speculate about the queen's condition and questioned what would happen if she were to pass away while sitting on the throne. This sentiment was also echoed by former prime minister Tony Blair, who told BBC Radio 4's Today program that we should all respect any privacy decisions made by the palace. Despite not releasing any information about their soon-to-be 91 year old monarch or an official statement about a successor, leaders of various countries around the world continue to send their best wishes.

What Happens To The Crown Jewels If She Is Dead?

The Crown Jewels, which include the monarch's crown, regalia, coronation robes and orb are passed down to a new monarch. The coronation ceremony is typically not held until after the accession of a new monarch has been confirmed. It is not certain who would inherit the Crown Jewels in this case as there is no precedent for abdication in Britain's monarchy. However, at present Prince Charles seems most likely to inherit them.

When Was Her Last Public Appearance And Does That Mean Anything?

Queen Elizabeth II last appeared in public on July 13th, 2018 to receive the Order of Merit from the Italian President Sergio Mattarella. She was seated on a gold throne, with her husband and family in attendance. Her appearance does not mean anything because at 89 years old it's not unusual for her to take a break from public events for personal reasons. Other members of the royal family will be making appearances as well and it is anticipated that she will also make an appearance soon. It's all speculation at this point but now we have this information, there is no doubt that when she does appear or when we find out what happened there will be much discussion about this subject.